About Creighton Prep

About Creighton Prep

Thank you for your interest in the Summer Programs at Creighton Prep. We are offering a wide variety of athletic camps and academic programs for students of many different ages this summer.

Creighton Preparatory School is a private, Jesuit college prep school for young men founded in 1878. Centrally located in Omaha, Nebraska on a 40-acre campus at 72nd and Western Streets, Prep is the largest all-boys Catholic high school in the state of Nebraska with an enrollment of 1,000 young men.

The school is a part of a Jesuit network consisting of 60 high schools and 28 colleges and universities in the United States. With over 130 years of tradition of excellence in academics, activities and ministry, Prep has been preparing young men not only for college, but for full lives as intelligent and compassionate human beings.

Gift Certificates

If you have received a voucher or certificate, you may redeem them for the applicable sport camp or value. Please email creightonprep@ussportscamps.com, including a picture or scan of the voucher. Then call in to US Sports Camps to make the registration over the phone (800-433-6060 ext 5).

Drop-Off / Pick-Up

Campus map

Soccer and Football Camps will meet at Leahy Stadium
All other camps will meet at Heider Center.

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About Creighton Prep


Summer opportunities with Creighton Prep